Enough is Enough: A Resolution

A confession: I have a lot, and I do mean a lot of dance and workout videos. I wager the number is around a hundred, though I would fear to admit to more. And yet I haven't danced -- at least regularly -- in ages, and as much as I love the yoga or pilates videos too, I don't do those with any kind of regularity either.

So here's my goal, and I won't spend too many words on it: to try and do every one once, at least two videos a week. I think to aim for more than two would be too ambitious, and even two a week (or one) would be an enormous improvement. And then, because there's nothing like bragging for motivation, to use this blog to track my progress.

What I won't do is be methodical: I won't work extensively with one video unless I really feel like it, and I won't pay too much attention to balancing things out. If I feel like lots of silly cardio, I'll do that, and if I'm in a bellydance mood for a while, I'll do that. And I'm allowed repeats. Let's see how this goes!